Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, January 27, 2011

A Recap

Jelly (aka Abigail) is 12 weeks old already. It's hard to believe it's been almost 3 months since she was born. Here's a really brief recap of that time.

Pregnancy:  I really enjoyed being pregnant, generally. I had some nausea and was extremely tired in the beginning. Then it was awesome. I felt great, I had lots of energy, I had that "glow". Until about 8 months. Then I was so ready to have an outside baby. I was huge, swollen, and uncomfortable.

Birth: Jelly was born on 11/4/10, at 40 weeks and 1 day. To sum it up, I went in for an induction, it didn't go quite as planned and 15 hours later I was getting prepped for a c-section. It wasn't exactly the best 15 hour span of my life, and I took the news about needing the surgery very hard. Of course, it was for the best, and it went fine. She was born at 4:31pm, weighed 7lbs 10oz, was 20 1/4" long, and was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen (even if she was all blue and slimy).

Month 1: The first month was very hard, but we adjusted fairly quickly. The rare times she wasn't attached to the boob I could either a.) sleep, b.) eat, or c.) bathe. I usually opted for sleep. But those 20-30 minute catnaps really didn't put a dent in the sleep deprivation.

Here's Abigail at 1 month old:

Month 2: Everything started to get better at around 6 weeks. We both were way better at breastfeeding, she started sleeping in longer stretches, and started smiling. We had a great Christmas with just about the entire family in town. We even had a visit from Santa!

Here's Abigail at 2 months old:

Month 3:  She's so alert, and every day seems to be something new going on. She's grabbing things (usually to put them in her mouth), laughing, and "talking" up a storm. Sure what she says makes no sense. But it's darn cute.

And that about brings us up to date.


  1. Katie....
    I am soooo glad you have decided to do a blog. I LOVEd reading it all and am so happy for you both. Lots of love to you, Steve and Jelly (hmm, Abigail!) xxx

  2. Hi KT, Steve & Jelly... thanks for the blog... love the updates and progress reports. Won't be long before she's borrowing the car and going out to parties! Enjoy this special time. Love UW

  3. aw, I miss my beautiful niece!! I miss her even more when I see all these pics. xoxo
