Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Best Thing I've Ever Heard

Yesterday Abigail started laughing, like a real from-the-belly laugh. She has been giggling for awhile now but nothing even close to what she came up with last night. It was amazing!  I was doing my usual routine of stupid faces and funny noises that usually gets smiles or giggles, and she burst out in laughter. She kept doing it all evening too.  It's my new favorite thing to hear  :)

The other thing she learned is how to make wet razzy noises, usually accompanied by a stream of drool pouring out of her mouth.  She's been doing that nonstop since she figured it out. I tried to explain to her that blowing raspberries at someone is rude, but I'm not sure she got it.

I was trying to take a video of her laughing. Instead this is what I got:

Speaking of learning new things, this is a lesson from the other day: if she falls asleep in her swing, leave her there, don't try to gently pick her up and tip-toe her over to bed.  That's what the baby monitor is for.  It's a great invention. However, they've gotten so fancy that I can pretty much hear all the little noises Abigail makes while sleeping. It's hard to focus on anything else when she's asleep in the other room. I'm glad I don't have a video monitor. I'd probably spend the entire nap staring at her through a screen instead of being productive.  Sometimes the latest technology is great (as in my new iphone), and sometimes the more basic the better!

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